Ceremony - Events - Areyto 2012

Yukayeke Taino, Guanara, or "Place Apart"
This is where we have our stone people lodge ceremony's and other ceremony of the Taino traditions.

Yukayeke Taino Of Pa. Akitchitay Urayoel doing a Presentation on Taino's and Latino's

 Tree Planting Ceremony with F.L.E.C.H.A.
El Pueblo and Yukayeke Taino Of Pa.


       SEPTEMBER   -   21ST - 22ND - 23RD,  2012 
                  Location : Scotrun, Pennsylvania.  

 A great success with this Ceremony, Bo  Matum to Bohike Miguel Sague for doing such a smooth ceremony.  Bo Matum to Casike Guaraguarix for all the hours of drumming and singing.

  Carlo Hawk Walker for working with Guatu and all the Teachings he so willingly gave to so many.

 To Arawaka Bagua, Gus my cousin for coming and dancing with us. Also Elliot Manicato La Torre for dancing three days.

Nancy, Danced three days also most all night, Bo matum for all that the community gave.


Yukayeke Taino - Akitchitay and Guataca were participants in the peace and dignity journey in Boriken 2010.

Yukayeke Taino Of Pa. Stroudfest, we set up a table and booth also performed the Mayouacan and dancing. This is how we raise money for the Yukayeke.

                             The Harvest Festival in Pennsylvania 2011 we have plenty of help



Day of Rememberance 10 - 10 - 10 in New York City, Akitchitay sings a Cherokee song. Representing the Cherokee Nation.  We are honoring our ancestors for their sacrifice and suffering from the time of the invasion by Columbus and his gang till this present day.